Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 06:00

Good morning - 

The time now is 6:00 AM.

The IODEF file copy issue mentioned in the 5:00 AM update has been resolved.

At the present time, the IBM Operations Team is in the process of bringing up the LPARs in Boulder.

We are currently, approximately 10 minutes ahead of schedule.

Agency representatives from AHCCCS and ADOT have arrived at the State Data Center.

We are currently still looking to begin the agency user verification window on schedule at 6:30 AM.

The next update will be posted at 7:00 AM.


Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 05:04

Good morning -

The time is now 5:04 AM.

We are currently slightly ahead of schedule.  All Phoenix LPARs were brought down at 4:17 AM.

The network has been swung over to Boulder, and the LPARs are in the process of being brought up there.

All VTAM work on the LPARs has been completed.

There is currently an issue with the copying of the IODEF file, that is being troubleshot by Shawn Beardsley and Tom Shaffer of IBM.

At this time, the Agency Conference Bridge has been opened.   All who would care to join can do so by dialing 1-877-820-7831, and adding the Participant Passcode of 410516#.

Our next update will be posted at 6:00 AM. 

Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 03:50

Good morning, All -

The time is now 3:52 AM on Sunday, January 21, 2018.   

At exactly 4:00 AM, we will officially begin our scheduled outage for the Final Cutover of the ADOA Mainframe to the multi-tenant zCloud environment in Boulder, Colorado.

The LPARs will begin to be brought down from Phoenix, conceivably for the final time, and brought back up in Boulder, with a user verification testing period that is scheduled to run from 6:30 AM until 9:45 AM.

At 9:45 AM, we will have a conference call with all of the agency stakeholders (decision makers) to obtain a FINAL GO/NO GO DECISION.   If we are a "GO," the data will continue its final replication to Boulder and the mainframe system will remain in Boulder from this time forward.   It will, essentially, be "business as usual" from Boulder from this point.

We are all excited for a successful Final Cutover this morning, and congratulate the many ADOA-ASET, IBM and State Agency Representatives, whose incredible collaboration and partnership were the catalyst that drove this project to this point.

The next posting will occur at 5:00 AM this morning.




Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 11:43

Good morning, 

At this time, the User Testing window for Dry Run #2 has expired, and the IBM team is working to bring the Phoenix system back up by no later than 1:00 PM this afternoon.

The Boulder system should also be back up and ready for user testing, utilizing test IP addresses, by 5:30 PM this afternoon.

We will have a follow up discussion on the events of this Dry Run during our Daily Agency User Testing Touch Point Call at 10:30 AM tomorrow.

Thank you to all of our agency partners who worked with us this morning on Dry Run #2.

This will be the last posting for this event.


Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 10:15

Good morning, 

The current time is 10:15 AM.   We will have another 30 minutes in our extended testing window for agencies, and testing appears to be, overall, successfully executed.

The testing window will conclude at 10:45 AM.

Thank you.



Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 09:07

Good morning, 

We are going to extend the testing window for one hour, and it will now end at 10:45 AM.

The next update will be provided at 10:00 AM.

Thank you.

Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 07:07

Good morning -

The current time is 7:07 AM

The latest update is that the IODEF file that was not saved to Boulder issue has been resolved and the LPARs are beginning to be brought up in Boulder.

Unfortunately, this snag has pushed our testing window back one hour, and the new approximate start time for agency testing is now 7:30 AM.

We still do not know at the present time whether we will be able to add some testing time to the back end of the schedule, but as soon as this is determined, you will be made aware.

We appreciate your patience, and apologize for the delay.

The next update will be posted at 8:00 AM. 


Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 06:02

Good morning -

The time is 6:02 AM.

Due to an issue with the Storage Team, we have to push back the agency testing window.  Currently, we are predicting a start time for agency testing of 6:50 AM.

Another update will be posted before 7:00 AM, if we get another update before then.

Apologies for the delay.

Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 05:01

Good morning -

The time is now 5:02 AM, and the IBM Storage team is in the process of breaking the mirrored pairs in Phoenix in order to swing the network to Boulder.

At this time, we are still anticipating a start time for agency testing of 6:30 AM.

The Agency Testers Conference Bridge Line was established, and is currently active.

The next update will be at 6:00 AM.

Thank you.

Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 03:52

Good morning!

The time is now 4:00 AM, and we are now beginning our scheduled outage for Dry Run #2.  

Agencies will be able to begin their testing at approximately 6:30 AM.  A reminder to our agency testers - please do your testing of FTP earlier in your testing schedule, and wait to do any testing with tape for later in today's testing window.

The next update will be posted at 5:00 AM, and this is also when the Agency Conference Bridge will be established at 1-877-820-7831 - Participant Passcode - 410516#. 

We wish you all a very successful morning of testing during Dry Run #2!


Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 02:55

Good morning, 

Apologies for the delay on this posting.

We have been working through several issues over the past hour.

As of right now, ASU, DOR, AHCCCS and DOC should be up and ready for testing.

We are still dealing with an issue with ADOT tape that is delaying the bringing up of IMSP.  In addition the Finalist Software key is being loaded in Boulder.

We will continue to work on all outstanding issues, and I will provide another report by 9:30 AM. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 15:38

Good afternoon -

This is a test message for the impending Dry Run activity that will take place on Sunday, January 7, 2018.




Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 12:34

Services have been restored for State of Arizona Web Portal Payment network. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We will continue to monitor the Web Portal applications. 

Please reference ticket number Incident 31128 when calling the ADOA Service Desk if you have any further issues with the Payment system at: (602) 364-4444, option 3. 

Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 11:34

We are currently experiencing an unplanned service interruption for the following Web Portal applications: Online payment systems. Customers are receiving error messages when accessing these web applications. Our teams are working to restore services as soon as possible.

We will provide an update when available and apologize for this inconvenience.

Please reference master ticket number: 31128.

Sunday, December 10, 2017 - 12:16

Good afternoon,

All Mainframe LPARs have been successfully brought back up in Phoenix, and notifications have been emailed to all participating agency partners.

The Agency Conference Bridge was turned off at 11:58 AM.

This will be the final notification regarding Dry Run #1, which is now complete.

A Post Mortem conference call has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon (Monday, 12/11/17) at 2:00 PM to discuss all of the issues identified during this Dry Run.

Thanks to all who participated this morning!



Sunday, December 10, 2017 - 09:00

Good morning - 

As of 9:00 AM, AHCCCS is beginning to shut down their testing.  

ASU is still having issues logging in to their "On Lines" on CICS.  Darrell Fort is still working on this issue.

ADOT has some additional testing issues, as well.

DOC is in the process of finishing their successful testing, with a few minor issues noted.

As mentioned in the last hour, DES was able to complete their testing on Enterprise Extender successfully.

All agencies have been given an extended window to complete testing this morning.  Originally, 9:30 AM was identified as the finish time for user testing, but users now have until 9:45 AM to complete testing.

Thank you.



Sunday, December 10, 2017 - 08:11

Good morning -

It is 8:00 AM - all agencies are involved in testing currently.

Issues that have been identified in the last hour are:

1.) VTS not available for this Dry Run

2.) Control -M jobs need to be initiated manually for this Dry Run, as Control-M is currently quiesced.

3.) ADOT Emergency IDs - programmers have finally received their password resets.

4.) ASU not seeing splash sceens for SOLVE

5.) IP address issue for ASU.

All of these issues should be part of a post mortem discussion.

DES has reported that they have successfully completed their test plan as of 7:56 AM.

Thank you.


Sunday, December 10, 2017 - 07:03

Good morning, 

It is 7:00 AM.

At this time, all agencies have been cleared to start testing, with the exception of DOR, who is still experiencing a JES abend error.

I will announce on the Agency Conference Bridge when DOR has been cleared to start their testing.

Thank you.


Sunday, December 10, 2017 - 05:59

Good morning!

It is 6:00 AM, and the IBM Operations Team is still in the process of bringing up all of the LPARs in the Boulder system.  At this time none of the subsystems are up.

A RACF security error is being worked on, and validating the ability to utilize Production IP addresses is currently being done, as well.

FTP and CyberFusion were both disabled for this Dry Run, and there was an issue discovered with SSH, that should not have an impact on this Dry Run.

Currently, the agency representative from ADOT is on site at the Command Center, as is the agency representative from AHCCCS.

We are still looking to begin agency testing as of 6:30 AM, but I will be making an announcement on the Agency Conference Bridge as to the reliability of this time.

Again, the Agency Conference Bridge number is 1-877-820-7831, Participant Passcode - 410516#.

Thank you.




Sunday, December 10, 2017 - 05:00

Good morning -

It is now 5:00 AM.

The ADOA LPARs are currently in the process of being brought up in the Boulder system.

The next update will be provided at 6:00 AM.

Thank you.
